Sunday, February 21

My Grandma... Emma Jane

My grandma passed away recently and I've been a little melancholy looking through old pictures and remembering her. This is my favorite one of her when she was young. I think she was absolutely beautiful. I'm totally suppose to be studying right now and keep getting walked in on, getting caught not doing what mommy is suppose to be doing while she is locked away in her office. Oh well, I need grandma time :) She understands.
Here she is standing next to an awesome Cadillac. 

Fluffy! I miss Fluffy too! This was a time when I was fifteen, barely had a driver's permit, had flown into OKC to spend time with her and she had me drive her huge grandma style car with her in it to the beauty parlor. I was FREAKED out just trying to back the thing down her driveway, forgot to stop at a stop sign, and the mile trip seemed to have taken decades which my sweaty pits evidenced. She dressed me in this outfit that I think she got at the service center... it was one of those balloon poofy leg ensembles. She thought I was so gorgeous in it, I was taken to Sears for professional pictures. I saw that picture in the doorway to her bedroom last weekend - while on my way to hideout in the closet with my nieces, a dixie cup of wine, and my grandma's pillow that still had a glimpse of her smell. Meg, Tif, Kayla, and I traded memories and bonded there on the floor of her closet. Good times.
My pink grandma at my very pink wedding.

I love how she's looking at Grandpa. She really loved him.

AND she loved her grandkids... she kept us plastered all over her fridge and walls.

Grandpa, though, put the sparkle in her eyes. He's such a wonderful man and he took very good care of my grandma all the way to the end. I love him for that.

Love you Grandma and thank you for loving me :)


  1. while going through pictures...I found some really neato ones of my nieces when they were little. A post about that is coming next - after I do homework and go back to doing what I was suppose to be doing locked in my office this afternoon :) Nudies might be involved in the next posting! Stay tuned...

  2. Great blog Aunt Sara. Love the pictures. I miss her :( Love you, Kayla

  3. I don't yet have pictures scanned in that I can share, but I don't think they can show nearly as much love for the woman who claimed me and my two daughters as her own, as the words you have written here. She was a remarkable woman and she did marry a remarkable man. I hear love in all the stories I hear about her, and I will miss her very much. Thanks and keep writing.
