Tuesday, March 30

Sincerity In Simplicity

There is sincerity in simplicity. We all love to make things more complicated than they are rather than just enjoy something for exactly what it is, and rarely do we find the truth comforting so we complicate it. We all start out simple as babies. We need nourishment, to be held and comforted, and our diaper changed. We end our lives the same way when we grow old. We revert to babies with those same simple needs. We love pets because all you have to do is give them food and water and in return they give us unconditional love. Where do we go wrong as we grow up and turn into adults? What happens to the sincerity of our words? Why do we have the need to complicate the simple? Why can’t we say what we mean and do what we say?

As we grow up, we learn to expect perfection in our lives no matter the cost. If we turn to religion instead of faith, we have a set of rules to follow and if we mess up – we tend to fear the judgment of others. When a woman asks if she looks fat, her significant other better be there to tell her she doesn’t even if she needs to compete on "America’s Top Loser". We do this with our children too. If they ask us where babies come from when they’re four, we tell them storks. We can’t handle the truth that comes with sincerity in all of its simplicity. And we don’t think that others can handle it either. Our government is full of everything but sincere individuals and we wonder why we’re in the state we’re in. It is all about how things look but not how they really are and that is what we’ve comforted ourselves into believing is truth. We get loans to obtain more things in our life to make us feel better about ourselves when it turns out that we feel more stressed about how we are going to go about paying for them.

Stop and take a look at your life and think about doing the two following steps towards gaining sincerity in simplicity:

1. Identify what is important to you, and eliminate everything else.
2. Be genuine in all that you do.

The first step is about simplifying your life and getting all of the emotional and physical clutter out of it. The second step is about living a sincere life. You will have more time, more money, and feel better just getting rid of things. Everything you own has upkeep, costs, and absorbs your time. Emotional clutter is the energy vampires that prey on you, soaking in all of your energies and leaving you zapped. Let them go too.  I promise they’ll find someone new, because that is how they found you. Spend time alone so that you can find your genuine self if you’ve lost her along the path of being what everyone needs. Then be her… and don’t settle for less than exactly who you are.

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