Monday, August 30

The first day of school...

Figured out that I have a sort of theme going with this semester's classes:

Mind.... Development Psychology
Body.... Microbiology and Pathophysiology
Spirit.... American Literature

Meanwhile, planning and anticipating this...

And going to class FOUR NIGHTS A WEEK, working full time, writing checks for lunch money, figuring out apoptosis from caseous necrosis, sitting on my feet til they're numb, keeping a daily planner, fixing ramen noodles for dinner, throwing bills in a pile marked 'when I get time', watering my neighbors flowers, throwing the cat off my keyboard, kissing my kids goodnight while peeling cat puke off their covers, recovering from calling Freud a nutjob to my entire Psych class because his diagnosis involves penis envy of your father cause you wanna have sex with your momma, trying to remember to not always speak my mind, and dangit I forgot to ask my daughter for a bra for my best friend and it's too late cause I just got her stoned on Tylenol PM so she'd chill and fall asleep. Ahhh! Welcome to the first day of school. :)

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